Great War Dust Jackets
Not So Quiet by Helen Zenna Smith Marriott 1930 & Dutton 1930 (by Evadne Price) Semi-
Women of the Aftermath by Helen Zenna Smith John Long 1931. After the war a wife is beaten by her wounded soldier husband (from George Simmers)
The first 3 substantial collections of Wilfred Owen’s poetry -
Trench Yarns by ‘Peter’ Cassell 1916. Humorous stories
Fighting in Flanders by E. Alexander Powell Scribner 1914. War correspondent’s view of the Zeppelin attacks on Antwerp & the flight from Louvain.
Slanting Lines of Steel by E. Alexander Powell Macmillan 1933. Jacket by Norman Rudolph (wraparound repeat design). War Correspondent in the later stages of the war
With the Zionists in Gallipoli by J. Patterson Hutchinson 1916. Exploits of the Zion Mule Corps in 1915 by their Commander.
Behind the German Lines by William le Queux Daily Mail 1917. Fictionalised ‘confessions’ of Lt. Col. Otto von Heynitz of the 16th Uhlans
Private Peat by Harold Peat Bobbs Merrill 1917
Vive la France by E. Alexander Powell Heinemann 1916 (from Roger Joye)
Secret Shame of the Kaiser by William le Queux Hurst & Blackett 1919. Spoof memoirs.
More of the same below Odhams 1917
Big Game, Boers and Boches by V. Prescott-
Pursuit by Roland Pertwee Houghton Mifflin 1930 A love story beginning in London during a Zeppelin raid and moving to the Western Front.
Huts in Hell by Daniel Poling Christian Endeavour World 1918.
With the AEF at the Front.
The Amazon by Elliot Paul Liveright 1930. 4 women are accidentally sent to the Argonne Front in the Army Signal Corps causing consternation amongst the opposing Germans!
With the Judeans in the Palestine Campaign by J. Patterson Macmillan 1922 (from David & Helen Pritchard)
O.C.Beds. Yeomanry by Sidney Peel OUP 1935 Commanding the Bedfordshires at Loos &
on the Somme 1914-
Glory & Downfall by General Polovtsoff Bell 1935 A Russian staff officer in the Caucasus in 1917 (from Jeff Leser)
Your Old Battalion by Henry Weston Pryce Cornstalk 1926 Australian verse (from Bong Bong Street Books)
The Enemy by Channing Pollock G & D 1926 Novel from the play about a Viennese family & their friends during the War (from Fons)
Shadows around the Lake by Guy de Pourtales Knopf 1938 The vicissitudes of War and its impacts on a family in Geneva (from Fons)
Stretchers by Frederick Pottle Yale 1929 The work of Evacuation hospital No.8 (from JRF)
Iron Rations by Hesketh Pearson Cecil Palmer 1928. Jacket by Doris Palmer. Personal experiences of the Mesopotamian & Persian Fronts lightly disguised as short stories.
Trench Artillery A.E.F. By P. H. Ottosen Lothrop, Lee. Boston 1931. The personal experiences of the Trench Mortar officers.
Letters & Poems by Harold Parry W H Smith 1918 (from JRF)
Salonika and After by Collinson Owen Hodder 1919
Silhouettes of Mars by Major W. G. Peterson Bodley Head 1920 from the ‘On Active Service Series’
Love on Leave by Jessie Pope Pearson 1919. Short stories by this writer of much light
War verse. Do the milk churns imply that she’s a simple fur-
Frederick Stokes 1931 in 2 vols. Memoirs of the C. of the American Expeditionary Forces.
Below Knopf 1931 Simmering rebellion below decks in the German High Seas Fleet. Trans. by Margaret Green. Published in the UK by Faber.
McClurg (Chicago) 1916 by Randall Parrish. Jacket by The Kinneys. Naval yarn involving Blockade running & piracy (from Babylon Revisited)
Faber 1933. Trans by A W Wheen. Novel detailing the collapse of Germany & its forces in the last months of the War.
The New Zealanders in Sinai and Palestine by Charles Powels Auckland 1922 (from JRF)
Fisher Unwin 1919. The story of the 46th (North Midland) Division in the final months of the War (also issued in paperback ( see Pictorial bindings page).
Houghton Mifflin 1920. Jacket by Stanley Rogers. Stories of the American Navy in the War (from Babylon Revisited)
Faber & Gwyer 1925 (f.p. in France as ‘Les Transplantes en Albion’) with a forward by Henri Barbusse. Novel about displaced Belgians living in England during the War.
Little, Brown 1931. Highly graphic, allegorical novel of a soldier’s time at the front likening it to the stages of the Passion.
Selwyn & Blount 1934. A novel set in Petrograd dealing with mobilisation for the War & the czar’s efforts to maintain peace.
Hodder 1918. War Correspondent in Salonica.
below Faber 1932. Jacket shows the sinking of the Blucher.
Roxburgh Publishing 1921. A look at some of the lesser known battles of the American Forces.
Donelley, Chicago 1923. Peat condemns the glorification of War.
Brentano’s 1925 Play (from Between-
A Subaltern on the Somme by Max Plowman Dent 1928. On the Somme with the 10th West Yorks. A classic of disillusionment & a strong counter argument against today's militant historians. Should be familiar to those of you who remember the old Charlotte Robinson catalogues.
McClelland Stewart (Toronto) 1917. The US War correspondent on the Somme.
John Murray 1917 UK edition of the volume alongside.
Dodd Mead 1919. War correspondent on the Battle of the Meuse-
Chatto 1949 above (from Fons) & Norton 1949. A love story of a Naval Officer set in the years between the death of Victoria & the Armistice.
Edward Arnold 1930. HLI attached South Wales Borderers captured in April 1916 & interned until the end of the War.
Hodder 1918 (by Rene Puaux). His life, his work, his faith.
Minton Balch 1924. Through War & Revolution with a White Russian Cossack
Dutton 1916 (from David & Helen Pritchard) & Routledge 1916. Posthumous letters & sketches from an Officer with the 6th Batt. York & Lancs.
Scribner’s 1934. The strategy and decision making which drove the War.
Flight into Hell by Edwin Parsons John Long 1938. The author flew with the Escadrille from Jan. 1917 (from JRF)
Methuen 1920 One of the first overviews of the War.
Burt 1914 (fp Scribner 1914, same jacket). The novel was actually written just before the War began but considers what would happen if 2 Great Nations went to War.
Gallipoli Today by T. Pemberton Ernest Benn 1926. Work of the Imperial War Graves Commission at Gallipoli. (from Nick Fletcher)
Hurst & Blackett 1916. A novel of the French Front (from Peter Harrington)
McClelland Stewart 1929. A Canadian minister’s story from the Klondike Goldrush to being a Chaplain to the Forces in WW1.
John Winston, Philadelphia 1919. History of the 28th (Pennsylvania) Div. in the War (from Babylon Revisited).
John Lane 1917. Healthier War-
Columbine Publishing Co. 1939. A novel by ‘one of the most famous airmen of the Great War’!
Pearson 1917. The exploits of an Aviatrix including the bombing of a submarine base (from J & M Books)
A & C Black 1917. HMS Cornwallis at the Dardanelles
Doubleday 1937. US ed. of the book shown alongside (from Grant Morrow).
Melrose 1920
(from Bow Windows Bookshop).
Burt 1916. Part of a long series of juvenile novels which sees the young scouts in Russia, Germany, The Balkans, England, on the Marne, at Verdun & at the Victory.
Our Young Aeroplane Scouts series by Horace Porter Burt 1915
Hodder 1916. Britain develops a death ray.
Escape of a Princess Pat by George Pearson Doran 1918. As it says 15 months in the hands of the Huns!
Canadians at Ypres (from Paul).
The Further Side of No-
Huebsch 1919 The scarcer US edition (from William Reece)
1914 by John Oxenham (William Arthur Dunkerley) Two couples trapped on the Continent by the arrival of War struggle to return home.
Serbian Relief Fund 1915 in wrappers. Scarce report on the setting up & running of a Red Cross station in Serbia in 1915.
Longmans 1915 by Maude Petre. A modernist Catholic nun & war-
Fisher Unwin 1918. Lecturing the resting troops in the YMCA huts behind the lines. (in this copy the author has written in the names left out of the text).
Jarrolds 1934 A memoir of many wars (ex-
Chapman & Hall 1927. Novel. Twin brothers fight on opposite sides, one is captured as a spy & his brother sacrifices himself by swapping places. (from Arroyo Seco Books).
Hutchinson later issue (from Nick Fletcher). The continued publication was probably to cash in on Pollard’s recent success as a thriller writer.
Cortina Co. 1917. French military language for the US forces.
Hodder n.d. (1917?)
Hodder 1917
London Mail 1918
Four Days by Spenser Pryse Bodley Head 1932 Record of an Official Mission in NE France.
Jarrolds 1917 Fiendish goings on by German agents masquerading as Dutch & trying
to blow things up -
Century Co. 1917. Lightly fictionalised account of life aboard a U-
Dodd, Mead 1918
Collins 1919 A fascinating early account of the camp for interned Englishmen, housed in a former racecourse.
Badger Press, Boston 1929. The story of a country doctor in the World War.
Henry Holt 1915
Methuen 1914. Practical nursing still relevant today.
Macmillan 1920 in 3 vols. A ‘sound’ account according to Falls.
Purple Patches by T. H. Prince Jackson & O’Sullivan 1935. A rare Australian account
of life as a sapper with 3rd Field Co. Aus. Engineers, AIF at Gallipoli & on the
Western Front 1915-
(from Nick Fletcher, Aus.War Mem.)
Houghton Mifflin 1917 A plea for the USA to support the French War effort.
Methuen 1920 An excellent account with some useful maps.
Falsehood in Wartime by Arthur Ponsonby Dutton 1928. An expose of the lies told during the War (from Fons)
Bodley Head 1929. Fascinating & invaluable account. Ex Library of Henry Williamson.
My Escape from Donnington Hall by Gunther Pluschow Bodley Head 1922
UK edition in 1 volume from Hodder 1931
Herbert Jenkins 1918 Short Wartime stories.
The Searcher by Velona Pilcher Heinemann 1929 & Doubleday 1929 (from Babylon Revisited)
A Play with illustrations by Blair Hughes-
Newnes 1930 reprint
(from Facsimile Dust Jackets)
The War Dog by Edward Peple Dutton 1918. Poem. Jacket by Harrison Fisher. Altogether now, a big Ahhhhhh!! (from Fons)
London Mail (Odhams) 1917
Scribner 1916